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About Us

Welcome to NetRichesPublishers" (NRP)

Your mainline publishing organization to market your niche product! Whether you have a successful book or a manuscript for that special market, NetRiches Publishers could be your answer.
Join the NetRiches Publishers family today and make your dream a reality!
At NetRiches Publishers we believe your work is yours to keep and we do not want any part of it. We work with a very selected few authors and artists that we believe have the potential or have had success.
We mainly like to work with authors who have had some success prior to engaging with us; that way, the inexperience is weeded out. However, from time to time, we do come across that special manuscript that really stand out with great potential and when that happens we make the exception and work with the novice. We are constantly on the lookout for that one special script for review.
At NetRiches Publishers, we are not your ordinary publisher; we are the refiner of authors.
Our marketing staff strives everyday to give our authors' books the attention they deserve. They work hard and partner with every author to set up book signing events, media coverage and book reviews.
Besides releasing books we work hard to make your project a major success. We give your work the best chance for success by simultaneously releasing it in a variety of forums and media. This is why less that 1% of all the work submitted to us is accepted after review. We want your book to be a great success!